Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blender pancakes

When you've inherited as much wheat as I have you have to come up with ways to at least attempt to use it. These are really good and you just throw the wheat in whole so you don't need a grinder!

Whole wheat blender pancakes
1 C whole wheat (not flours)
1 1/2 c Milk (in an effort to also use the powdered milk my mom gave me I use it here, can't tell the difference at all)
1 egg
1/2 c cooking oil
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tsp baking powder

Place whole wheat in your blender with 1 cup of milk blend on high for about 3 minutes (It's loud!) add the other 1/2 c. and blend another 2 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Cook on a hot griddle and serve.

These are fast and easy and my kids love them. If I have a really ripe banana I'll throw it in the blender too. It makes them really good.

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